



Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

March 24 - 30, 2025

Registration is now open

Texas Hill Country

April 27 - May 3, 2025

On-Location Portrait & Fashion Shoot: Mentorship for Aspiring Pros

Registration is now open

Outer Banks, North Carolina

May 18 - 24, 2025

September 7 - 13, 2025

Registration is now open

Arles, France

Book Making Workshop

July 8 - 9, 2025

Registration open

Oaxaca, Mexico

October 28 - November 3, 2025

Registration is now open






SEPTEMBER 15th - 21st, 2024


Authentic Photo Authorship, Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.


Take your photography to the next level in this week-long photography workshop. Begin or expand an existing body of work with mentorship, career advice, book making discussions and unlimited Q&A.

If you are seeking support in your visual storytelling, editing, sequencing and presenting your work join David Alan Harvey and Alejandra Martinez (Burn Magazine Editor) at home where daily intimate gatherings critique will occur. This is where book ideas are born and collaborations happen.

We are in a spectacular location on the Atlantic barrier islands, a the place of beauty, where David frames daily a lifetime exploration of the landscape working on his upcoming book on the Outer Banks.

We are doing two workshops this year,

When: September 15th to September 21st.

Where: Outer Banks, North Carolina.
8 Student Limit.
$ 2,800

Registration includes a portfolio review/Zoom interview.

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org


Oaxaca, Mexico


OCTOBER 29th - NOVEMBER 5th, 2024


Finding Your Photographic Voice, Night Lighting, Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: October 29th - November 5th
Oaxaca, Mexico.
10 Student Limit.
$ 3,600

Registration includes a portfolio review/Zoom interview.

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org


I cannot think of any place I have ever photographed that had quite the karma of Oaxaca, Mexico. Was it the place or the time of my life?

Those are the questions we all ask ourselves when we have a plan to return to a geo zone of previous good tidings.

For my "Song of Oaxaca" commission I was "free falling" soaking up every second with the M6 and a 35.

My last major shoot with Kodachrome, a brain palette "implant".

Nobody could ask for more. The tools and the mood and the sponsor, @natgeo .. Shhhhh just go for it. So much of my book "Divided Soul" (Phaidon) comes from Oaxaca.

It is time to return. Alejandra and I will mentor a select few dedicated artists to work around inside outside all around all about the Dia de los Muertos, a true celebration of life.

Most of those whom I mentor are book makers already or want to make perhaps their first book. Since building books is what I do personally full time, it makes lighting the fire for others a natural segue.



arles, france

JUNE 29 - 30, 2024



Are you a photographer with ambition to publish your own photo book? Are you curious about the industry behind the world of photo books?

Join David Alan Harvey and Alejandra Martinez Moreno in charming historic Arles for a two-day intensive workshop focusing on sharing key information through conversations, presentations and Q&A sessions where participants will take part in an educational workshop exploring process behind the creation of a photography book.

With the broad experience of publishing their own books through Burn.Books/Burn Magazine and mentoring visual storytellers on their own book making journey David and Alejandra will address the questions for those who want to prepare for publishing their next photo book!

Where: Arles, France

When: June 29-30, 2024

Tuition: € 500 / $ 550

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org



Oaxaca, Mexico


October 29 - November 4

Finding Your Photographic Voice, Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: October 29 - November 4, 2023
Oaxaca City, Mexico.
10 Student Limit.
$ 3,600

The application includes a Zoom interview.

Questions? Please email: alejandra@burnmagazine.org


MARCH 19 - 25, 2023

Finding Your Photographic Voice, Night Lighting, Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: March 19 - 25, 2023
Venice, Italy.
10 Student Limit.

The application includes a Zoom interview.

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org


In the summer of 2005 I traveled to Tuscany for a combo of a photo workshop (@tpw.workshop) and an advertising shoot as a promo for a @nikonusa 4 strobe light super coordinated system.

So 3 assistants and 4 lights and our models were street performers gathered for an annual festa. Most of the performers were happy to be photographed yet they were there to perform not to be photo models. So we had to persuade and yet somehow be nimble with 3-4 strobes being held by friends!!!

Join Alejandra Martinez (@ale_jandram) Burn Magazine Editor and I in Venice for a week of night lighting made easier workshop. Narrative flow and book publishing natural segues of course.

Alas, fate and good winds has made Italy a second home both for shooting and mentoring and smiling friends forever. Covid put a halt to my annual visits, yet I return in 2023.

In Venice I will be shooting side by side with those who want to join. Hands on old fashioned demo!



Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

FEB 5 - 11, 2023


Finding Your Photographic Voice, Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: Feb 5 - 11, 2023
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.
6 Student Limit.
$ 3,600

The application includes a Zoom interview.

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org


David Alan Harvey workshops are philosophical explorations into the heart of your work and motivation. They are about your own personal growth. A champion of authorship and voice he sees your personal obstacles and gives you a good shove to move yourself beyond them, then greets you with a high five on the other side.

Working side by side for the last 4 years, Alejandra Martinez is an integral part of the team. Ale has a brilliant sense of selecting and sequencing and is a very skilled image maker in her own right. She also helped produce David’s last book Off for a Family Drive among other books.

David writes, “Making great work is all about energy. I take mentoring photographers seriously. Just as seriously as I take my own work. So I like to be in a place where I’m fired up. Puerto Rico is such a place. If I am excited about a place and really feeling it, then that energy will rub off on you.

My daily morning critiques will only be about what you are shooting and are geared to take you to your personal next step. I don’t produce clones. The push is for you to find your voice, not copy others.

In Puerto Rico we will put your daily pictures up on the wall shot the day before. It creates an amazing buzz to work like this. Forces all of us to just kill it!!

I will push you to your limits…and hopefully beyond. While I am a dreamer, I am also very fortunately blessed with being a results oriented person as well. The two do not often go hand in hand. So the end result of your week of intense shooting – thinking – working – – playing will be an essay. The base of a pyramid from which you can grow.

I view my personal workshops as an investment for those whom I mentor.  I only do workshops when I am in the right mood and ready to put everything I have into it. I do not teach by rote. If I am myself not producing I cannot mentor others to do so. I work just as hard to make a workshop its own art object at the end as I do for anything else I take on.

You must please submit a portfolio of your work. Don’t try to show me everything you have done. 15 photographs that best describe who you are is what I want to see. I do not care about ‘professionalism’. I care about heart and intent and of course visual acuity.

My goal would be to inspire you to publish a book, have exhibits, and perhaps commissions as well and our mission for the week will be to create a collective book. Each of you will get a copy. 

Former students have published books, had major exhibits, gotten commissions etc. Yet only you can make it happen. I just try to get you on the right lifetime road. The sweet beauty of adventure. A fire in the belly. 

For sure I can smell that this Puerto Rico workshop will be one of those to remember.”

-David Alan Harvey

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org




OCTOBER 2 - 8, 2022

Finding Your Photographic Voice, Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: October 2 - 8, 2022
Outer Banks, NC.
6 Student Limit.
$ 3,600

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org


From my beloved home in the Outer Banks of NC, I’m inviting a handful of students to attend a personal mentoring, career development class. This will include how to start on a personal project that will take you into the world of high level photography, how to think about books, how to get a commission…how to think about your shooting. Why do it at home? Because right now I am assembling two book projects and the most exciting part of building a book is when it “goes to the wall.” Now is that time. Catch me here, and you get a view inside my head and inside the process.

My workshop mentoring style is very different than curriculum teaching. I do not roll down a checklist. I look at your work, I listen, I demonstrate, and I offer advice and suggestions based on years of hard-earned wisdom as both a commissioned magazine photographer and independent book publisher. 

So with me at home and in a perfect mood and wrapping up my book projects, what’s in it for you? Well, frankly, this is exactly when you want to catch me. This is me in my element. I will help edit your past work, and mentor you on what to do next. Critique could come from pictures you shoot here in the Outer Banks, from your past work or both. Some may want to shoot, some may simply want to edit and build a book. All will benefit from the ongoing discussions we’ll be having.

I will do a Zoom video interview with each prospective student to see whether shooting or editing will be their emphasis. Some photographers need one thing, some need another, and we’ll keep the group small to ensure the perfect environment to really help you move forward.

Each day we’ll gather to review the previous days work from those shooting… always a learning experience for everyone.

-David Alan Harvey-

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org



Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

FEBRUARY 13 - 19

Join me for a week long Personal Mentorship Workshop.

Focus: Finding Your Photographic Voice, Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: February 13 - 19, 2022.
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.
6 Student Limit.
$ 3,600

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org


San Miguel de Allende


Oct 28 - Nov 3 2021


Focus:   Personal Mentorship – Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2021

 Where: San Miguel de Allende

Participants: 5 student limit

Tuition: $ 3,400

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org


My workshops will challenge you. There is always some stress for sure. Why? Because those I mentor have all told me prior where they want to go and who they want to be. It is my job to take them to the right door. Then they must walk the walk.

I absolutely do not care what style or type of photographer you may be. I can appreciate many forms of authorship. If you indeed have a real voice, I definitely will help you find it.

We make a hard copy zine from the best of your work of the week. See (below) a few pages from the student zine from our last workshop in San Miguel. Amazing work. Yours will be as well.

If you are trying to push yourself to the next level of authorship then this might be the place to be. Alejandra and I interview all prospective students via Zoom for 45 minutes or so after reading their motives and looking at their work. So we all can see if it’s a good fit long before we actually meet in person.

We all want our time well invested.

Cheers, David




Outer Banks, North Carolina


JUNE 20 - 26


Join me in Outer Banks for a week long Personal Mentorship Workshop.

Focus: Finding Your Photographic Voice - Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: June 20 - 26, 2021 / September 19 - 25, 2021
Nags Head, North Carolina.
5 Student Limit.
$ 3,400

Interview: After registration, and prior acceptance to class, David interviews prospective students making sure expectations are met.

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org



Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

FEBRUARY 2 - 8, 2020

Join me in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico for a week long Personal Mentorship Workshop.

Focus: Finding Your Photographic Voice, Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: February 2 - 8, 2020.
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.
10 Student Limit.
$ 3,600

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org

I can’t wait to get back to Puerto Rico to photograph.  All of my workshops are built around projects I’m working on. To your advantage. How does it help you if I am shooting too? If I am myself not producing I cannot mentor others to do so. I am not a pro teacher. I am a working pro photographer who knows how to get others fired up to do their best. 

Making great work is all about energy. I take mentoring  photographers seriously. Just as seriously as I take my own work. So I like to be in a place where I’m fired up. Puerto Rico is such a place . If I am excited about a place and really feeling it, then that energy will rub off on you. 

My daily morning critiques will only be about what you are shooting and are geared to take you to your personal next step. I don’t produce clones . The push is for you to find your voice, not copy others. 

In Puerto Rico we will put your daily pictures up on the wall shot the day before. It creates an amazing buzz to work like this. Forces all of us to just kill it!!

My classes are never described as “easy”. I will push you to your limits…and hopefully beyond. While I am a dreamer and live in sort of a fantasy world (by all accounts), I am also very fortunately blessed with being a results oriented person as well. The two do not often go hand in hand. So the end result of your week of intense shooting – thinking – working – – playing will be an essay. The base of a pyramid from which you can grow.

I view my personal workshops as an investment for those whom I mentor.  I only do workshops when I am in the right mood and ready to put everything I have into it. I do not teach by rote. If I am myself not producing I cannot mentor others to do so. I work just as hard to make a workshop its own art object at the end as I do for anything else I take on.

You must please submit a portfolio of your work. Don’t try to show me everything you have done. 15 photographs that best describe who you are is what I want to see. I do not care about “professionalism”. I care about heart and intent and of course visual acuity.

This workshop is not for everyone. It is only for those who want to find a voice and become photographic authors. My goal would be to inspire you to publish a book, have exhibits, and perhaps commissions as well and our mission for the week will be to create a collective book. Each of you will get a copy. 

My former students have published books, had major exhibits, gotten commissions etc. Yet only you can make it happen. I just try to get you on the right lifetime road. The sweet beauty of adventure. A fire in the belly. 

For sure I can smell that this Puerto Rico workshop will be one of those to remember. 

-David Alan Harvey-


San Miguel de Allende

Oct 27 - Nov 3, 2019



Focus:   Personal Mentorship – Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: October 27 - Nov 3 2019
San Miguel de Allende
10 student limit
$ 3,600

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org



To those who dare: The KEY feature of this class is we will make a relevant hard copy book/zine. Your work in San Miguel will get selected day by day and then bam! Designed/edited by William Marr former Creative Director at NatGeo and book designer extraordinaire. He has designed my next book. Bill will be with us all week. You could never ask for a better workshop outcome. This is the master class of all master classes with this combo in this place at this time.

My workshops will challenge you. There is always some stress for sure. Why? Because those I mentor have all told me prior where they want to go and who they want to be. It is my job to take them to the right door. Then they must walk the walk.

I absolutely do not care what style or type of photographer you may be. I can appreciate many forms of authorship. If you indeed have a real voice, I definitely will help you find it.

If you are trying to push yourself to the next level of authorship then this might be the place to be. I interview all prospective students via FaceTime for 45 minutes or so after reading their motives and looking at their work. So we all can see if it’s a good fit long before we actually meet in person. If this is the wrong workshop for you, I promise to tell you. We all want our time well invested.

Cheers, David



May 19 - 25 / May 26 - Jun 1, 2019

Join me here in my home on North Carolina’s Outer Banks.

Focus:   Personal Mentorship – Shoot, Edit, Books, Career Development.

When: May 19 - 25 / May 26 - Jun 1, 2019
Outer Banks, North Carolina
8 student limit
$ 3,400

A hard copy zine will be produced in this class…

Questions? Please email alejandra@burnmagazine.org




February 17-23, 2019


David with his class in Old San Juan on the last morning of the workshop.

Click below to see work from this year’s inspiring class here:



Comments from previous workshop attendees: 

“David is one of the most insightful & inspiring teachers I have ever had. He is demanding but cares immensely about the work of his pupils. Throughout the workshop he encouraged us to push ourselves. I achieved some of my best work in his class.”
—  Sandra Cattaneo Adorno

“A truly inspirational process from start to finish!” — Kevin J Mellis

“Take David’s workshop if you want to stop taking tourist photos. You’ll never approach photography the same way again.”
— Roddy MacLeod

"David, within what felt like an instant, honed in on the areas I needed the most guidance. He helped me address and push through issues I was not even aware I had. His mentorship has changed not only my photography but how I view my work in the context of my life. I am forever grateful to him for all that I have learned, his time, energy, and the continued interest and support he shows in my work & my progress as a photographer. An opportunity to learn from him is priceless." — Lauren Koplowitz